senyum sampai telinga:)

assalammualaikum w.b.t

lama tak meng'update' blog, hari ni saya sangat2 hepi:) senyum sampai telinga! hehe.. actually this morning i got ophthalmology clinical exam. we've been given 2 station. we need to examine patient's eye with ophthalmoscope, give the findings and diagnosis in 5 minutes. alhamdulillah, overall opthal end posting exam was the first exam that i satisfied the most. after 3 weeks in this posting, i think that i will consider ophthalmologist as my future career:) saya suka semua tentang MATA! even sangat kecil tapi sangat bermakna dlm kehidupan. subhanallah. cumanya saya tak suka part surgery. this tiny2 structure sgt menakutkan..terlebih gerak sikit akan ada masalah.

saya pulak clumsy orgnya. masuk dalam OT first time tgk catarat surgery (phacoemulsification and ECCE) sy takut...tapi saya rasa insyaallah klu training yg cukup, pasti boleh! so, now, insyaallah in the be a lecturer and if clinician as ophthalmologist or both:) kita tunggu dan lihat jika umur panjang,mungkin dapat minat baru pulak nnt,siapa tahu kn:) insyaallah..semoga allah permudahkan..


another thing that make my day is..i pass my orthopaedic posting.alhamdulillah. semuanya rezeki dr allah. sy sgt2 bersyukur. sbb dh hancur jg hatini sbb xdapat perform long case exam & mcq dgn, xsangka allah berikan sesuatu yang sgt diluar dugaan:) terima kasih dr mohammad. diabetic foot :) tak lupa jg surgery and paediatric posting yg baru jg keluar result. thanx allah, thanx to all my lecturers:)

cerita mengalahkan final profesional exam phase 3 je sgt hepi..hepi sgt fren sy pun lulus:) n mlmni balik johor dgn hati yg gembira, xsabar nk jumpa mak,family n ank2 sedara sy yg selalu wat kecoh time call tu hehe..maksu love n miss you all so much walaupun garang jg kadang2 hehe..

thanx allah, you ease everything. guide me frens and family and all muslimin mahu senyum terus harini no matter org kata schizo ke hehe..
next after 1 week holiday OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY a.k.a ear,nose and throat:) mudahkan segala urusan pembelajaran kami ya allah:)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 2:58 PM

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