33 years old me

It’s 300821 again :) Live life to the fullest, thank you Allah for another year full of blessings.

Alhamdulillah for 33 amazing years, blessed with lovely husband and 3 kids. I’m thankful Allah for the past years, thank you mak fatimah for giving birth to me 33 years ago on this day. Tq dear husband Muhammad Zahid for treating me like a princess all the time, cared & loved. May Allah give us barakah in our marriage.❤️❤️❤️

This is my wishlist for years ahead..(shared by an influencer) and i’d like to share with you guys, we can do this together insyaallah :

1) sodaqoh subuh even RM1

2) recite sayyidul istighfar day and night 

3) Reading Surah Al-mulk & As-sajadah especially before sleep

4) Read Surah Al-kahf  (every Friday), ayat 1-10,100-110 everyday

5) Zikir Fatimah (subhanallah,alhamdulillah,allahualbar x33 each)

6) selawat atas nabi Muhammad SAW

7) avoid ghibbah and fitnah, hurting others, just be kind always to anyone & anywhere

8) To forgive people before going to bed

Let’s do the checklist together!

Be kind always~


Thursday, September 2, 2021 at 3:25 AM

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